KRO utils
Manage gigapixels images easily
Please note : KRO utils is an outdated program, no longer maintained and without support.
For Windows and Mac a new program has been released: GigaPX Tools
Convert your gigapixel KRO image, realized with Kolor Autopano, in a Photoshop RAW image (an rgb uncompressed file well managed by programs like Photoshop, Photoshop Elements or Image Magick).
Slice it in many small images (RAW or PSD), view or edit them, apply filters, remove ghosts artifacts. When ready stitch the tiles together to get the giant raw or kro image again.
The program is free for personal and commercial use. If you like it, please consider making donations.
Windows version : take a look at the new GigaPX Tools
Linux version 1.0.0
Mac OS X version : take a look at the new GigaPX Tools